premchand featured

प्रेमचंद के 6 श्रेष्ठ उपन्यास 6 Best Premchand Novels

We have prepared a list of 6 Best Premchand Novels ,Premchand novels are still very popular among hindi literature lovers around the world. Many novels of premchand are used in school syllabus in india. प्रेमचंद की कहानियों में जितनी सरलता से भारत के ग्रामीण , सामाजिक और आर्थिक दशा का Read more…


हिंदी के १० श्रेष्ठ जासूसी उपन्यास Top 10 Hindi Jasoosi Novels

Ibne safi, Surendra Mohan Pathak, Ved Prakash Kamboj etc. are legendary writers of Hindi Jasoosi Novels, We have prepared a list of 10 selected hindi detective novels which are still available to buy online on amazon. Links of these jasoosi novels are provided as well. Gopal Ram Gahmari is believed Read more…